Di Natale-Bertelli Under Body rams / Mega Ram are now Available from GFR Industries Australia Wide .
GFR Industries are the importer of the Di Natale-Bertelli underbody ram product for Australia . GFR carries all the popular sizes in...

Conde SDS12 Vacuum Pump avaiable at GFR Industries now.
Stocks the Conde Vacuum Pump Range in mechanical and Hydraulic drive . Please contact our offices for all you requirements for Conde...

Conde Vacuum Pumps in Stock at GFR Industries
GFR Industries stocks the Conde Vacuum pump range in the SDS6 and SDS12 series both Mechanical drive an Hydraulic Drive . We also carry...

Lodar Remote Control Wireless systems are distributed and Stocked by GFR Industries . Contact our friendly Engineering Staff for all you...

PZB Power Take-offs . Did you know GFR industries has over Thirty Years of experience with PZB .
GFR Industries has over Thirty years experience with PZB products . For all Your after sales and service needs please call our friendly...

GFR Industries is one of Australia's Largest suppliers of PTO and Pump and Transport Hydraulics.
GFR Industries is one of Australia's Largest suppliers of Truck Hydraulic Solutions and Transport Hydraulic Solutions . Importers and...

New PTOs for Hino Transmissions RE50, RE61 and RE62 - Bezares and GFR Industries
Bezares has developed two new two gear PTO pneumatic operated to be mounted onto the 6 bolt left opening of the RE 50 and RE 61/62...

OMSI Transmissions Australia GFR Industries for Hydrostatic Drive Transport Vehicles .
OMSI Transmissions manufacture the world leading Hydrostatic drive systems for Transport applications such Tunnel washers spreaders and...

OMSI Transmissions PFT PCV3000 Clutch Split Shaft . OMSI Australia is GFR Industries.
Omsi Split shafts are a Specialty of GFR Industries for all your High Torque and High horsepower applications . Please contact our office...